About the Tours

The tours have been running for eight years, gaining a following by musicians, scholars, and universities alike. It is the only tour in Dublin to attract the attention of Lonely Planet for its unique irrepressible brilliance.

You’ll hear songs and stories of Dublin, including those of the blind poet Zozimus, Bard of the Liberties, and enjoy 18th century stories of the Dublin dens of iniquity affectionately known as ‘Hell’, as well as 20th century Irish songs.  You may or may not sing along, depending on how you feel, but you’ll most certainly laugh a lot!

We take in sights such as Smock Alley Theatre, Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin Castle, and the site of the 9th century Viking settlements of Dublin.

About Seán

Seán is well known in Dublin as a skilled musician and entertainer through his involvement in psychedelic rock band The Deadlians as well as a number of other projects and collaborations.